File Submission Guidelines
For best print results and fastest production time, please submit:
- PDF: print-ready single page. For multiple page documents, please set the page layout option as single page rather than spreads.
- Minimum 300dpi resolution
- CMYK profile
- All fonts outlined or embedded
- Minimum 1/8” (0.125”) bleed
- All text and objects should be a minimum 1/8” (0.125") away from any cuts or folds
- EPS with outlined fonts
- Flattened JPEG and TIFF files
The following MUST include all fonts and links:
- Illustrator CS6 or earlier
- InDesign CS6 or earlier
- Photoshop CS6 or earlier
- Quark Express 9 or earlier
Compressed or ZIP files
- Save your document as a PDF file
- If your document has bleed (see below) include bleed margin in PDF output dialog but do not include crop or printer's marks
- Compress your file using a compression tool such as WinZip for PC or Stuff-it for Mac
- If submitting something other than PDF, be sure to include all links and font files, then compress the folder
Getting us the File
E-mail [email protected]
For files over 10 MB, you can upload the file through our website: Choose the upload file link on the left panel. Then browse your computer for your file. Be sure to type your name and e-mail in the required fields or . . .
Send us a shared link via email using a file sharing program such as Dropbox or Hightail. When using Google file sharing, please set up access to the file so that we are not required to sign in.
Color Matching
If color matching is critical, please bring us a color accurate sample for reference, or provide Pantone numbers.
Bleed refers to a document that has graphic elements (background colors, patterns, photographs, other images) that print to the edge of the page, leaving no white margin on the finished piece.
Bleed extends beyond the trim edge of a piece. When a document has bleed, it must be printed on a larger sheet of paper and them trimmed down to the final desired size.
For example, a business card with full color bleed should produce a PDF that measures at least 2.125" x 3.625". The finished size for a standard business card is 2" x 3.5". Set the document size to whatever you want the finished size to be, and set your software for a 0.25" bleed. Make sure the image/color/element that you want to print to the edge of the paper spans beyond the trim line to the outer bleed margins. There should be no white border, crop marks, or printer's marks.
Setting up Bleeds
InDesign: In Document Setup, set the width and height to your finished size, i.e. 8.5x11. Below that, where it asks for bleed and slug margins, enter 0.25 on all 4 entries. On your pasteboard, you will see guides for the bleed, edge of the page, and inside margins. When exporting to PDF, check the "Use Document Bleed Settings" box on the third option in the Adobe output window.
Photoshop: Set up your document to be 0.25 inches wider and taller than what you want the finished size to be. Set it for 300dpi resolution and CMYK output. Layout your design accordingly, making sure that you have a minimum 1/8th inch (0.125") inside margin. Save as a Photoshop PDF.